What We Do
Fair Tide secures permanent housing for individuals & families who are experiencing homelessness.
Affordable Housing Development
Fair Tide develops and owns deeply-affordable, permanent housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. In addition to our five-unit house in Kittery, Maine, Fair Tide is in various stages of development on two housing projects slated to be completed in 2024 and 2025. The agency continues to explore opportunities to bring even more units of affordable housing to the Seacoast and advocates at the local and state level for policies and programs that facilitate this work.
Partnerships with Landlords
Fair Tide helps match clients with landlords and property managers who have available units in the private rental market. We assist both parties in navigating the complicated housing voucher or subsidy process so the transition is as fast and smooth as possible. Fair Tide offers a menu of incentives through our Landlord Engagement Initiative for landlords who rent to the households we work with.
Case Management
The key to long-term success for the households we serve is our ongoing, targeted case management services. After securing housing, our case manager works with the individual or family on goals such as stabilizing mental or physical health, furthering education, obtaining and maintaining employment, budgeting and financial management, and creating a support system. We serve as a resource not only for our clients, but also for the landlords and property managers who rent to them. All our work is geared toward helping the household maintain housing and improve their quality of life.
Mainspring: The Seacoast Social Services Collective
Fair Tide is partnering with Footprints Food Pantry to develop a resource hub of social services for the Seacoast. The Mainspring facility will offer comprehensive programs and services to address a variety of human needs in one centralized location, greatly improving the way in which we serve our neighbors. This exciting initiative will result in a new home for Fair Tide’s case management, housing and administrative offices, as well as improved and expanded space for the Fair Tide Thrift Store. Fair Tide and Footprints are in the midst of a capital campaign to turn this vision into reality. Learn more about the project and how you can help by visiting the Mainspring website!
Resources for those who are homeless or at risk
We provide information and resource referral to anyone who is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. If you are in need of assistance, please contact Fair Tide’s Case Manager today at 207-439-6376 ext. 2 (office), 603-988-7095 (cell) or email socialworker@fairtide.org.
If you need immediate, emergency shelter contact 2-1-1.
I attribute so much of my success to that time [in Fair Tide]. The case manager and [staff], the counseling and advice was incredible for weighing decisions to get back to my life.

Fair Tide’s Work Beyond the Seacoast
Everything we do here at Fair Tide centers around our mission of improving the lives of individuals and families in the Seacoast region. Whether it be securing housing for a family experiencing homelessness, providing financial relief for those impacted by the...